How to germinate garden pea seeds
- Take as many seeds from the packet as you want to grow, and place them in a glass of water overnight to soak. Don't forget at this point, and put them on to cook instead. They are for planting.
- You should see the peas swell.
- Next day, finish off preparing the ground you have already dug over for your peas. Rake over the surface to provide a nice smooth finish on the earth.
- Create a nice straight line with a length of string with a stake at each end. Try and make this line north to south if possible, so that the peas you plant will get the maximum available sunlight.
- With the end of a dutch hoe or similar instrument, pull or push the earth out to a depth of about 2".
- Take your peas and plant them in the drill about 1" apart.
- Use the hoe to fill in the earth back in so that all the peas are well covered with soil.
- Make two drills about 4-6" apart so that they can share a central support structure.
- Water in well.
A few days later you should see the first seedling appear through the ground. Water every other day if there is no rain.
When the seedlings are a few inches high, erect some form of support for them to reach out to and grow up.